Truly sickening. I cant believe people would stoop to such stupid, barbaric, retarded, disgusting, sickening levels. click here to read this terrible article. im disgusted. save the abused animals! click here for a petition to stop it. ~Alice~
Spooks: The Greater Good (2015)
9 years ago
ya i bet they could too. i hate them. now come look on my blog to see wat animals r now on the endangerd species list
I hate that people abuse animals, but what can we do bout it... we're kids!!! I was researching animal abuse for a website in computer class. It's horid!!!!
I came back from the lake for a few days, lol it's so much fun there!!! But I'm getting sick of it, we're going back later today... omg!
p.s.~how'd you find that site, by the way?
That's a good way to explain us!!! Why would you want to google something like that?!?!?!?!?
that's fun, but not really.
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